Our TN and U.S. Constitution
Do not seem to matter to many of these life-long political actors. Republicans must defend the Constitution. Our values are protected, and our voice is guaranteed in this document.
An out-of-touch system
Decreed thousands of Tennesseans as “non-essential” stripping them of their ability to provide for family. Meanwhile, the radical Dems attack our jobs and energy production. Republicans must defend TN energy production and right to work. We need another competent voice for business and energy to fuel our economy.
Reckless White House "border policy"
Deposits criminal border-crossers into Tennessee cities. We must act decisively to protect Tennessee and our interests. "Every state is a border state." Sen. Blackburn is correct. Our voices are silenced by an insurgency.
Globalist Agendas carried out in TN
Many corporations affirmed that they hold more authority over your body and rights of conscience than you. Big corporations operated while small businesses were shuttered. Republicans must defend small business and TN values. Our value of personal freedom was violated.
Spending in D.C.
Is completely out of control, yet many frantically plan to accept and spend those dollars as if no consequence follows. We Republicans must stand against the Biden-budget-busting plan and schemes to monitor our bank accounts. Our economy is being attacked by the radical Dems.
Medical Freedom & Life
Our Creator has made us sovereign over our own bodies accountable to Him for our decisions. Governments and corporations overstep their authority when they demand our unquestioning compliance in medical matters and vaccines.
Yes, I am Pro-Life, because the child is an individual human-being created in God's image. Our voice for medical freedom is foundational to all other civil rights.
School Systems and Courts
Authority over curriculum used to instruct our children is given to the parents by God. We Republicans must agree that some materials are unsuitable for schools, providing strong penalties for those who attempt to introduce such into our schools. Our family values and parental voice were dismissed.
2020 Election
The Presidential election left many with significant concerns. Yet some fail to recognize the concerns. Our vote is foundational to our voice.
Gun Rights and Firearms Manufacturing
While our state made progress in Constitutional Carry, work remains. TN is positioned to become the "Arsenal for the Republic" with our current firearms manufacturers and those moving here. Republicans MUST move to further protect our "Right to bear" by protecting the TN manufacturers and retailers against frivolous litigation which aims to bankrupt the industry. Without stable manufacturing and retail capabilities in TN, our Right to Bear will be infringed.